Saturday, November 14, 2009

Online games?

I keep hearing about games like world of it any good..also, can someone else tell me about some of these online games that people play over the internet..I've never tried any?? Which ones are good


Online games?
i know the best website!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

it is called

its a cool has histerical flash cartoons about

Pokemon,Simpsons,Zelda,Sonic,Mario,and lots more!

it also has raelly cool flash games like,zelda:the windbreaker,

zelda:the taco quest,and zelda:majora's mock.zelda is 1 of

my favorite video games.
Reply:You can get a great "open source one" called soldat.

It's a shooter.

Really easy to play.

And it costs nothing.

Also watch out with your usage on your internet connection because these online games can use quite alot.

Also try to get a demo to try them out before you spend your hard earned cash.
Reply:Some good java games are: Runescape, Online fantasy games,, Warrock, wow (World of Warcraft), quake 3 etc.. Check the newest game forums and find out!
Reply:lets see.

theres maplestory, the site is

mebbe neopets if u like it. the site is
Reply:There are a lot of people that enjoy WoW but I myself play City of Heroes. Check out for information and screenshots, etc.
Reply:Kingdom of Loathing. It's free and it's freakin' hilarious.

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