Saturday, April 17, 2010

Online games?

hey, So do you know any fun online games that you don't have to download anything.

Online games?
I'm going to tell you about the browser based MMORPGs.

To play games in flash, there are Dragon Fable and Adventure Quest (In both you have to pay to have full access to the game, and notice that Dragon Fable is still under construction and that it's hard for non-members to login into AQ). There are also those community based flash games (that some people consider to be MMORPGs) that are becoming really popular: Gaia Online (that I already played and that is really cool), ClubPenguin, PuzzlePirates, and i think that Habbo goes the same way; in all of this games you create an avatar and play games like fishing to get money and personalize those avatars.

There’s also the pure browser based ones: Tibia is a fairly popular game, BiteFight and Knightfight are OK. Travian is a strategy MMOG, also pretty good. There’s also pokemon crater (but it has a lots of publicity) and, my personal favorite, FallenSword (it’s much like pokemoncrater, only that it doesn’t have lots of publicity, and has a guild system that stimulate interaction, not to mention the lottery and the auction system).

Have fun.
Reply:try this one -%26gt;

hope you'll like it =) is the best :)
Reply:I know a ton! There's my fave, Runescape. It's a game where you create a person and go to Tutorial Island. When you finish the tutorial, you will appear in a town named Lumbridge. You will encounter dwarves, unicorns, battle, animals, giants, BIG bugs, and much, much more. There is also millsberry. It is my least favorite for multiplayer, because you can't chat. You can send cards through the post office, send packages as well, dress up, design a house, play games, earn millsbucks, and much more. There's also ClubPenguin. In ClubPenguin, you are not a person, not an alien, but a penguin! This is a game where you can chat with other people-well, penguins, send cards, design a home, own a little, furry little puffball (called puffles), earn coins, and, well, throw snowballs at eachover. You can choose what color penguin you want and if you subscribe a membership, you can buy items and clothes for your penguin. After at least 30 days of playing clubpenguin, you can become a secret agent and get a cool teleportation phone. These are all the multiplayer online games I play. Hope you have fun!
Reply:try they have a lots good games.
Reply:Helli attack 3 is one of the games that i love to play
Reply:""they are the best!

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